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Press conference & Program launch: We Transform You-You Transform Others What Women Want Social Change Coaching Program

Andrea Zsapka the director of the Globalicious Consultancy Sdn Bhd today announced the launch of the What Women Want Workshop and Coaching Series, a Social change coaching program fueled by prosperous social collaborations. The current collaborative partners-Julez Wong, Makeoverloft, Kotex, MindSpace, Horizon Holidays, Will You Cafe, Women of Worth, KJ Intellectual Properties, BLOOMERSInc, Globalicious Sdn Bhd-signed a Memorandum of understanding to mutually Support Women in need, to Elevate & Empower Women, to Create fruitful social collaborations, to Raise awareness about and to Say no to Discrimination, Social  pressure, Domestic violence. During the event, the audience could experience the unique coaching methodology created by Andrea and inspiring speakers and performers shared their own stories leaving the audience speechless. 

The What Women Want Project is based on a new way of contribution: every purchased Workshop ticket and Long term coaching package sponsors a woman in need to join a free coaching program and the stories and transformation will be recorded in our official Story book. The Project is also supporting Women entrepreneurs to gain visibility. The System offers a new way for Women to grow individually& professionally and to elevate others at the same time and it raises awareness about serious problems Women are facing nowadays. Andrea’s methodology helps individuals to be resilient, confident, aligned, compassionate, highly skilled, stylish, vibrant and energetic. The mission of Andrea Zsapka, Professional Transformation coach is to create a worldwide movement of social consciousness and social collaboration.

“If you have individuals who are able to listen to their own voice, using their own personal potential and who are able to withstand the constant noise and manipulation that is surrounding and attacking us on daily basis,-” says Andrea Zsapka, the leader and creator of the Workshop series-.”We can create a socially conscious society with the priority of creating a beneficial, positive, compassionate World where we take each other’s perspective into account. Together we thrive!”

Features and benefits of the What Women Want Project include:

       Enhanced Vital Problem Solving and Communication Skills
        Inside outside Transformation for Women through the coaching programs
       Helps Women with hardship to restart their life via sponsorship
       Helps Women Entrepreneurs to grow by providing a networking platform
       Mission: Worldwide movement of a socially conscious society

The Long Term coaching packages and the Workshop tickets will be available starting 1st of October 2019. For more information visit

BIOS (in the order of appearance):

Elina Moy is 13 years old, from the Chin State in Myanmar, and a student here at the Upward Learning Centre of MindSpace, a partner of our event today. She and her family made a very dangerous journey across the great South China Sea to Malaysia during the Burmese was in the early 2000’s. She is someone well-acquainted with hardships growing up and has only learned speaking English in the past 4 years, but today is a motivational speaker and advocate of peace and change.

MindSpace:Mr. Andrew Coomby
Someone who has supported Elina in her journey, who is behind the school she goes to, who is behind our venue today, and is one of the key partners in this event and social change program, the founder and CEO of MindSpace

Ms. Stephanie Tan-Singer
 She has had a passion for song and dance since her childhood, and besides having 2 decades of experience in the corporate world and in book editing and publishing, she also has 11 years of professional vocal arts training and experience. -Mandarin version of the song Habanera Aria from the popular opera Carmen.

Globalicious-Mrs. Andrea Zsapka.
The organizer of the Press conference. The founder of Globalicious Consultancy. With a background in economics, she spent a decade in corporate and business environments but has always seen her true career as coaching and supporting people. Her interactive coaching methodology comes from her own tried and tested experiences and battles with hardship that have made her the strong, confident, and resilient woman she is today. She has 30 years of experience as a certified sport coach dancer. She is a certified group life coach, a certified master life coach, a certified transformation life coach, a certified therapeutic art life coach.

Ms. Kiran Tuljaram.

She is a lawyer-turned-fashion-entrepreneur who is the founder or ELEVATE, a booming local business of premium clutch bags. She is also 1 of the 4 co-founders of Bloomers International, one of our sponsors today. Their core brand, BloomersInc, is a platform that was created for emerging designers, providing them support in the form of mentorship, digital marketing, branding, financing and events.
Datin Rita Anis

Co-founder of Bloomers International, and an entrepreneur and fashion designer of shoes, namely the brand Hidha. She started exploring fashion designing from a very young age and is someone who is truly passionate about creating open doors and opportunities for all emerging designers.

Milagro Consultancy - Ms. Marissa Abishegam

The director of Milagro Consultancy: specialising in Integrated Marketing Communications and Event Management. She is a business owner, entrepreneur and the founder of WOW Malaysia, short for Women of Worth Malaysia, a platform that aspires to help elevate women.

Makeover Loft- Josephine Woon
Founder Josephine Woon. Josephine has years of experience in the professional fashion and make-up industry and is certified in the beauty industry. She is known for her ability to create truly unique and refined looks, and Makeover Loft will play a key role in guiding all the women who sign up for the coaching program through their transformation journey.

Julez Wong-She is a truly talented creative director, producer and cinematic photo artist. She began as an entrepreneur at the early age of 16 years old and today she is the creative genius behind some of the beautiful photographs featured on the event pages and collaterals.

KJ Intellectual Property -Attorney KJ
He is the former advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaysia who is now also operating his own practice specializing in intellectual property and is a collaborating partner for this program.

Kotex-This event is also sponsored by Kotex, the market leader in Malaysia in feminine sanitary protection, who is not only a partner for this event but is also proudly running the SHE CAN FUND CAMPAIGN to grant MYR 100,000 to students and start-ups led by women, to encourage more women to stand-up and make a difference, believing that period or not, she can.


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