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The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia launched the Sustainable Infrastructure Rating Tool (Sustainable INFRASTAR) today, which supports the target of 50% of new infrastructure projects worth more than RM100 million to be certified with sustainability infrastructure tools from December 2020 onwards. This is a key achievement under the Environmental Sustainability strategic thrust of the Construction Industry Transformation Programme 2016 – 2020 (CITP), the national blueprint to transform the construction industry to be on par with world-class standards. 
Tuan Baru Bian, the Minister of Works of Malaysia, delivering the Opening Address at ICW 2019 Opening Ceremony

The Sustainable INFRASTAR rating tool was developed to measure sustainable elements in the design, construction and operation of an infrastructure project, which is benchmarked against similar tools available internationally, such as CEEQUAL from the United Kingdom, Envision from the United States, ISCA from Australia and Pearl Estidama from the United Arab Emirates. Five pilot projects in both the private and public sectors are currently undergoing the assessment exercise, with the expenses being fully borne by CIDB Malaysia.

“With climate change happening at a rapid rate today, we need smart infrastructure that brings economic benefits alongside environmental care. CIDB worked in collaboration with industry players to develop Sustainable INFRASTAR for the industry. Various technical committees and taskforces had been established and coordinated by CIDB leading up to the launch. I urge all industry players and relevant government agencies, be it at the federal, state or regional level, to come forward to have their infrastructure projects assessed by CIDB using the Sustainable INFRASTAR,” said Tuan Baru Bian, the Minister of Works.

“The more assessments we conduct, the more we will learn about sustainable infrastructure in the country. The data will allow the government to guide the project owners and their teams on the important elements of infrastructure sustainability,” he added.

Sustainable INFRASTAR was officially launched in conjunction with the opening ceremony of the annual International Construction Week 2019, which was graced by Tuan Baru Bian, the Minister of Works. Present also was Tan Sri Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali, FASc., Chairman of CIDB Malaysia.

Now in its 19th installation, ICW 2019’s theme of “Construction Beyond 2020” highlights the need for the construction industry to step up its transformation efforts through technology and innovation as it faces unprecedented challenges in the global business environment.

Furthermore, this year’s ICW is held in conjunction with ASEAN Super 8 for the first time, presenting a mega construction trade fair with eight distinct industry exhibitions and a host of prestigious events. CIDB and the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) have brought more than 20 companies from seven countries together to participate in international business matching sessions. Additionally, ICW 2019 is offering 65 free seminar sessions, with topics ranging from “Artificial Intelligence for Building and Construction”, to “Engineered Timer – the New Concrete”.

ICW 2019 is host to three awards recognition: The Open Ideas Competition by CIDB and the Malaysian Structural Steel Association (MSSA); Malaysian Security Industry Excellence Awards (MSIEA) organised by the Asian Professional Security Association Malaysia (APSA); and QLASSIC Day. CIDB also recognised 21 Malaysian contractors who have received the prestigious five-star SCORE rating award, which assesses a contractor’s capability and capacity in project execution.

The ICW 2019 opening ceremony saw the exchange of a Memorandum of Understanding between CIDB and the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA) to establish NCIA as a strategic partner in CITP implementation, a significant step towards achieving CITP’s goals and aspirations.

The ICW 2019 will be held until 21 March, at the Malaysian International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC).
For more information, please visit:

About CIDB Malaysia

The Construction Industry Development Board was established under the Construction Industry Development Act (Act 520) to develop the Capacity and Capability of the Construction Industry through Enhancement of Quality and Productivity by Placing Great Emphasis on Professionalism, Innovation and Knowledge in the Endeavour to Improve the Quality of Life.


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