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Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow Accorded The Best of Best Brand Leadership Award 2018 – Overall Championship

Public Bank’s Founder and Chairman, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow has done it again with the latest award of the “The Best of Best In Brand Leadership Award 2018 – Overall Championship” by the Asia Pacific Brands Foundation.

The award was presented by Dr. KKJohan, President, The BrandLaureate at a ceremony held at the Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 20 December 2018.

This latest personal-to-holder award is in acknowledgement of Tan Sri Teh’s leadership, one that not only brought success to Public Bank but also inspires and motivates many with his vision and wisdom.

Dr. KKJohan in his citation said, “As the key driving force of Public Bank, Tan Sri Teh has steered the Bank to become the largest private bank in Malaysia for the past 50 years with your leadership; a leadership that is well grounded on the foundation of strong vision, diligence, innovation, integrity, responsibility and concern.”

“In Corporate Malaysia, Tan Sri Teh’s leadership is hard to match and it has become the benchmark of excellence for the industry and for leaders who aspire to become a strong and dynamic Founder and Chairman like your goodself,” he said.

“It is amazing that at 88, many would have rested on their laurels. However, Tan Sri Teh, despite his age, still possesses the zest, passion and determination to see the love of his life, Public Bank, continue to grow and prosper. Having been through many stress tests in his 50 over years of banking including the various financial crisis, one can only be in awe of his business acumen,” he further added. 

Tan Sri Teh in acknowledging the award said, “Being the Founder and Chairman is a coveted position which is more than simply ‘calling the shots’. It means earning respect and inspiring the entire organisation to pursue excellence for the good of the company.”

“Excellence requires discomfort. It cannot be an exception but has to be a prevailing attitude. To arrive at excellence, everyone must adopt the dream as a blueprint and consistently prescribe to a set of shared values.”

“In Public Bank, traditional values still hold true. When one is a custodian of public funds and is entrusted with the commodity called money, there is no substitute for integrity, trust and good governance. That is why I always subscribe to the principle that we ‘Do the right thing’ even when nobody is looking,” added Tan Sri Teh.

Tan Sri Teh dedicated the award to the Management team and all staff of the       Public Bank Group for their unwavering commitment to excellence and loyal dedication for continuous success which have played a large part in him winning the award.

At the same night, Public Bank was also bestowed with The BrandLaureate CSR BrandLeadership Awards 2018 - Leadership in CSR.

With these latest awards, the Bank has received more than 580 corporate awards of excellence and distinction and Tan Sri Teh has amassed 42 personal-to-holder awards of lifetime excellence and achievements and exemplary leadership.


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