Rentas Health Sdn Bhd, the official distributor for Callie face masks, unveiled its high-quality surgical face masks series at the Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur today. Guests-of-honour officiating at the event were YB Datuk Seri Ir Dr Wee Ka Siong, Minister of Transport Malaysia and YB Senator Datuk Lim Ban Hong, Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Malaysia. Titled the “ Nature Collection , the new face mask series draws its motivation from the Great Nature with three variants – ‘New Wave’, ‘For Evergreen’ and ‘Blossome’. They are inspired by the ocean, abundant forests and floral life themes, respectively, to keep Malaysians fashionably safe amidst the Covid 19 pandemic and beyond. Callie’s CEO, Ms Kelly Teoh explained the new collection is an enhancement of their basic face mask series. Apart from fine-tuning design elements and improving protection mechanisms, Callie also improved its performance in terms of sustainability, from engineering reusable pack...